Community Info

Les and Janice publish the village newsletter every month, which is delivered free to all households. If you would like to place anything in the newsletter, can they be sent by 25th of each month please. Contact them to if you wish to sponsor. 

St. John the Baptist Church 

       Parish website.

Methodist Chapel

Sunday services 10am

Please contact Les for further information 

Village Hall Library

The village library is now open each Monday and Friday from 9am. to

 4pm in the Village Hall.


Newspapers are available at Llandaff Cottage all week.  Photocopying and laminating available

The Village Choir

The choir is having a break at the moment. 

Film Club

The Film Club meets on the last Monday of every month in the Village hall at 7.30pm

The friendly group welcome everyone from all villages to our meetings

 for only £3/meeting  or £20 subscription for the year. Please contact

 Helen or Annette  for more information about the Garden Club.

Kirk Hammerton Cricket Club

The new season, weather permitting, should be underway by the time this

newsletter comes out, but getting the field and square ready has been a real

challenge because of all the rain we have been having. For this reason, we are still

as yet unable to open the field to dog walkers.

The ground is being used by two clubs, Walton Park and Clifton Alliance every

Saturday this season so there should be plenty of cricket to watch. In addition, Kirk

Hammerton Cricket Club will play a number of friendlies usually on a Sunday.

If you would like to help with the 100 Club,  play the occasional game or just like to be kept up to date about the cricket club and its fixtures and activities and be added to our mailing list please contact us:


Facebook: Kirk Hammerton Cricket Club.   

Kirk Hammerton History Society 

Every second Monday at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

We are a friendly group for anyone who is interested in the history of our locality and Yorkshire in general.

 Annual subscription £20 or £3 per meeting for guests. Contact us by email if you would like to be kept in touch with our meetings and activities.